Resident data ends at 5c84, program starts at 5c84, file ends at 286bc Starting analysis pass at address 5c83 End of analysis pass, low address = 5c84, high address = 25cd0 [Start of text] S001: "Return to Karn" S002: " by Patrick Wigfull Based on the television programme "Doctor Who" Type "help" for general instructions. Type "background" for information about the "The Brain of Morbius". Type "about" for information about this program. " S003: "960912" S004: "6/2" S005: "a" S006: "You can't go that way." S007: "the" S008: "the" S009: "the" S010: "the" S011: "the" S012: "the" S013: "the" S014: "the" S015: "the" S016: "the" S017: "the" S018: "the" S019: "Darkness" S020: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S021: "As good-looking as ever." S022: "Nameless item" S023: "your former self" S024: "to the west" S025: "to the east" S026: "to the north" S027: "to the south" S028: "to the southwest" S029: "to the southeast" S030: "to the northwest" S031: "to the northeast" S032: "into the hatch below" S033: "into the hatch above" S034: "the" S035: "**/" S036: "//*" S037: "*/*" S038: "/*/" S039: "*//" S040: "/**" S041: "XXX" S042: "---" S043: "---" S044: "XXX" S045: "This hat certainly looks well-travelled." S046: "Perhaps some mothballs are in order." S047: "an" S048: "incredibly long scarf" S049: "This multi-coloured scarf is incredibly long, at least twenty feet in length." S050: "The rope dangles a few feet beyond your reach." S051: "It's one of your favourite toys. A prime example of movement in the first dimension." S052: "your" S053: "the" S054: "The TARDIS console consists of a multitude of complex switches and buttons. These include a large red lever, a large green button marked "Engage", beneath which is a slot. Also, on the edge of the console there's what looks like a tiny metal drawer. The center of the console houses the time rotor." S055: "the" S056: "The time rotor is a glass column within which delicate crystalline mechanisms silently glow." S057: "the" S058: "the" S059: "It's a big red lever!" S060: "It's a large, round button which glows green. Marked in large letters is the word "Engage"." S061: "You're in the middle of an east-west corridor that seems to stretch on forever. Towards the west, the console room is visible and the corridor stretches out as far as you can see to the east. An open doorway to the north leads to a storage room." S062: "You decide not to go that way. You'll only get lost (again)." S063: "It's a fair-sized wooden workbench." S064: "Your workbench dominates the center of the room." S065: "your" S066: "It's a small brown plastic card about 5 cm in width and 10 cm in length." S067: "It's a small silver plastic card about 5 cm in width and 10 cm in length." S068: "It's a small metal card about 5 cm in width and 10 cm in length. It appears to be made of gold." S069: "your" S070: "You gaze fondly upon your sonic screwdriver which has saved your life on innumerable occassions." S071: "K9 is here." S072: "K9, although a mobile computer, is shaped very much like a dog." S073: "the" S074: "The TARDIS sits reassuringly nearby." S075: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S076: "You are on a grim trail that winds itself upwards along the mountain to the northeast. A clearing lies to the southeast, and a stoney trail leads upwards to the west." S077: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S078: "You're on a trail which winds its way through the side of the mountain. A clearing is visible to the west and the trail continues to the southeast." S079: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S080: "The trail makes a descent here. To the east, the trail widens markedly. The trail narrows to the northwest." S081: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S082: "You nervously put one foot into the lake's water but immediately jump back the water makes your shoe bubble and begin to melt!" S083: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S084: "The lake water emits some kind of fluorescent green glow, shimmering in the dim light." S085: "There's quite a drop in that direction. You'd surely hit your head on the sharp rocks on the way down." S086: "The sides of the mountain are far too steep for climbing." S087: "an" S088: "The scarf dangles a few feet beyond your reach." S089: "The ledge is about 30 feet up the side of the mountain." S090: "the" S091: "The scorch marks are arranged in such a position to indicate that a spacecraft has taken off from here." S092: "There are scorch marks on the ground here." S093: "an" S094: "The scarf dangles down from the ledge above." S095: "The trail continues up the mountain to the east, and downwards to the southwest." S096: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S097: "The trail continues up the mountain to the northeast, and downwards to the west." S098: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S099: "Things level off here somewhat. There is a narrow cleft leading into the rock to the northwest. Two trails lead down the mountain to the southwest and the east." S100: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S101: "The trail continues up the mountain to the west, and downwards to the east." S102: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S103: "The trail continues up the mountain to the west. The trail widens to the southeast." S104: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S105: "The solitary form of a blackened tree stands beside the trail." S106: "You're in a dark cleft between towering walls of rock. To the southeast lies a trail, and there is light coming from the west." S107: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S108: "You're at the bottom of a cliff that towers menacingly above you, merging with the murky sky above. A narrow cleft runs into the cliff base to the east." S109: "Unclimbable rock prevents you from going in that direction." S110: "The vast cliff stretches upwards as far as you can see." S111: "You stand before a huge pile of stone rubble and charred debris. You recognize this spot to be the site of Solon's castle. The castle appears to have been completely destroyed. You sense a slight psychic twinge in the air. This looks like the work of the Sisterhood." S112: "the" S113: "It's a huge pile of rubble, the remains of Solon's castle." S114: "It's a pretty standard scalpel, used by any surgeon." S115: "Amongst the rubble, you see the glint of a scalpel." S116: "some" S117: "The steps are crudely carved into the side of the mountain itself." S118: "You're on a trail leading through the stoney landscape. The trail leads downhill to the east and climbs steeply to the south." S119: "The terrain is too rocky in that direction." S120: "The trail levels off here, banking downwards steeply to the north and south climbing sharply upwards to the east." S121: "The terrain is too rocky in that direction." S122: "The drop downwards would surely be fatal." S123: "You can't fly." S124: "You'd drop off the side of the plateau if you went that direction." S125: "The massive boulder is at least as tall as you are. Its sides are quite round, giving it the shape of a rough sphere. It looks as if it has been rolled recently, as the ground around it is scuffed and marked." S126: "Against the western rockface stands a massive boulder." S127: "The stone glistens as light reflects from its silvery surface." S128: "You gaze stonily at it." S129: "The passageway has been carved into the western rockface." S130: "A dark passage leads into the western rockface." S131: "You're in a dim passage which leads into the rockface itself. Light streams in from an opening to the east, while the passage continues to the south." S132: "The doors to the Sisterhood of Karn stand before you, imbedded in the the southern rockface. There is a foreboding and ominous atmosphere to this place, as you can feel the presence of a psychic force nearby. A trail leads northwards." S133: "You walk into the solid temple doors. Ouch!" S134: "The landscape is too rocky in that direction." S135: "The huge doors are ornamentally carved out of thick oak." S136: "The door is closed." S137: "The tapestry is made of thick rich cloth, and is decorated with what looks like gold." S138: "The wooden door is closed." S139: "You're standing in a small antechamber. The Temple lies to the south, and the doors leading out of the Temple are to the north." S140: "The huge doors are ornamentally carved out of thick oak." S141: "The Flame burns brightly, heating the rock above it." S142: "The Flame of Life burns brightly behind an open shield, flooding the room with golden flickering light." S143: "Your face is reflected in the silver fluid." S144: "The small ledge is situated just below the shield, allowing any Elixir the Flame produces to be caught in the golden chalice." S145: "It's a plain colourless liquid." S146: "It's a murky liquid." S147: "The shield is hinged and can be opened like a door. From your previous visit, you know that the Flame of Life is behind that shield." S148: "You recognize the chalice to be the cup from which the Sisterhood drink the Elixir of Life." S149: "Although she appears quite young, Ohica, like all of the Sisterhood, has extended her life indefinitely by drinking the Elixir of Life." S150: "This room is dominated by a large anti-matter reactor which supplies power to most of the ship. Beside the reactor, you can see a control bank." S151: "the" S152: "It's just a simple switch." S153: "blue" S154: "red" S155: "green" S156: "yellow" S157: "---" S158: "the" S159: "This room is little more than an over-sized cupboard. A corridor is visible to the east." S160: "long rope" S161: "The rope is at least fifteen feet long." S162: "The corridor terminates here, stretching back to the east." S163: "It's a rather unremarkable metal table." S164: "You're in a metal corridor that stretches east and west." S165: "The corridor reaches a junction here, stretching north, east and west." S166: "The sensor on the ceiling looks very much like a small camera. You also notice what looks like a laser cannon beneath the lens." S167: "In the ceiling you can see some sort of sensor." S168: "It looks like the hole has been blasted into the ceiling." S169: "There's a hole in the ceiling here." S170: "The corridor turns sharply here, leading west and south." S171: "The corridor terminates here, leading back to the north." S172: "The corridor continues in a north-south direction. There's a small room to the west." S173: "The sensor on the ceiling looks very much like a small camera. You also notice what looks like a laser cannon beneath the lens." S174: "In the ceiling you can see some sort of sensor." S175: "It looks like the hole has been blasted into the ceiling." S176: "There's a hole in the ceiling here." S177: "You're in an east-west corridor." S178: "This appears to be the flight deck of the spacecraft. The north wall consists mostly of a large viewscreen before which sits a complex control panel. A rather uncomfortable-looking metal chair sits before the control panel." S179: "The control panel houses a confusing array of complex instruments and controls." S180: "The controls look incredibly complex." S181: "On the viewscreen you can see the inky blackness of space. Judging from the movement of the stars, the ship is moving quite rapidly." S182: "It looks rather uncomfortable." S183: "It's a thin plastic card, about the size and shape of a Gallifreyan Express credit card." S184: "The slot is about 3 cm wide and only a couple of millimeters in height." S185: "The corridor terminates here but leads back to the west." S186: "It's a thin plastic card, about the size and shape of a Gallifreyan Express credit card." S187: "It's a simple push-button." S188: "It's a simple push-button." S189: "The disposal unit is a big metal box with a receptacle in the top of it. A pipe on the side of the unit leads into the wall. Items to be disposed are put into the unit and the machine grinds them into their consituent elements." S190: "Against one wall, you can see a disposal unit." S191: "It's a pipe-sized hole in the wall." S192: "Each of the four wires within the box have a different colour: red, blue, green and yellow." S193: "You're standing in a cramped maintenance shaft which leads below the floor of the spaceship. There's not much space here, and you have to bend down a little to remain upright. The shaft stretches out to the south." S194: "You're standing in a cramped maintenance shaft which leads below the floor of the spaceship. There's not much space here, and you have to bend down a little to remain upright. The shaft stretches out to the north." S195: "You're standing in a cramped maintenance shaft which leads below the floor of the spaceship. There's not much space here, and you have to bend down a little to remain upright. The shaft stretches out to the south and west." S196: "You're standing in a cramped maintenance shaft which leads below the floor of the spaceship. There's not much space here, and you have to bend down a little to avoid hitting your head on the floor plate above you. The shaft stretches out to the northwest and east." S197: "You're standing in a cramped maintenance shaft which leads below the floor of the spaceship. There's not much space here, and you have to bend down a little to remain upright. The shaft stretches out to the southeast." S198: "It's an ordinary-looking push-button." S199: "It certainly is a lever." S200: "The bay doors are massive, large enough to allow the passage of a small spacecraft." S201: "You recognize this place to be a reception area somewhere within the Citidel on Gallifrey. The room is so dimly lit that it's impossible to see the walls of the chamber." S202: "the" S203: "The Timelord looks expectantly at you. Like most of his peers, his face shows no signs of emotion." S204: "A Timelord stands here, looking expectantly at you." S205: "It's a metal tube that leads from the side of the disposal unit into the wall." S206: "It's a metal tube that leads from the side of the disposal unit into the wall." S207: "the" S208: "The hinges allow the floor plate to swing downwards." S209: "The floor plate is now just a twisted sheet of melted metal." S210: "The catch is now a melted lump of metal." S211: "The hinges are now a melted lump of metal." S212: "Quite repulsive." S213: "The floor is littered with large silver body parts." S214: "the" S215: "The catch is a simple device. It automatically clicks into place when the plate is swung shut. Releasing the catch allows the plate to swing open." S216: "the" S217: "The dead branch is dry and brittle. It's about half a meter long." S218: "The dead branch is dry and brittle. It's about a meter long." S219: "an" S220: "It's a black push-button" S221: "A firework lies on the dusty ground." S222: "an" S223: "An unlit match lies discarded on the floor." S224: "a" S225: "an" S226: "an" S227: "the" S228: "The apparatus is not unlike the chest unit of a Cyberman. It's basically a long metal box with an intake vent on the top. A thick cable leads from this respirator to the tank beside it on the dias." S229: "an" S230: "A steel grill covers the intake vent." S231: "It's a metal grill. No doubt about it." S232: "The thick cable connects the tank to the respirator beside it." S233: "The gold dust glitters richly." S234: "Finely-ground white powder." S235: "write to" S236: "read" S237: "increment" S238: "increment" S239: "apply 'ofclass' for" S240: ""name"" S241: ""create"" S242: ""recreate"" S243: ""destroy"" S244: ""remaining"" S245: ""copy"" S246: ""call"" S247: ""print"" S248: ""print_to_array"" S249: ""before"" S250: ""after"" S251: ""life"" S252: ""n_to/door_to"" S253: ""s_to/when_closed/when_off"" S254: ""e_to/with_key"" S255: ""w_to/door_dir"" S256: ""ne_to/react_before"" S257: ""se_to/add_to_scope"" S258: ""nw_to/react_after"" S259: ""sw_to/list_together"" S260: ""u_to/invent"" S261: ""d_to/plural"" S262: ""in_to/grammar"" S263: ""out_to/orders"" S264: ""initial/when_open/when_on"" S265: ""description"" S266: ""describe"" S267: ""article"" S268: ""cant_go"" S269: ""found_in"" S270: ""time_left"" S271: ""number"" S272: ""time_out/daemon"" S273: ""each_turn"" S274: ""capacity"" S275: ""short_name"" S276: ""parse_name"" S277: ""liftoff"" S278: ""nextroom"" S279: ""i"" S280: ""size"" S281: ""carrying"" S282: ""volume"" S283: ""dangle"" S284: ""length"" S285: ""dir_to_K9"" S286: ""dir_back"" S287: ""current_location"" S288: ""descrip"" S289: ""tiedname"" S290: ""opposite"" S291: ""x"" S292: ""gunpower"" S293: ""j"" S294: ""colour"" S295: ""downroom"" S296: ""uproom"" S297: ""charge"" S298: ""descripton"" S299: ""wire_number"" S300: ""catchto"" S301: ""distance"" S302: ""strikedby"" S303: ""wirescut"" [End of text] [End of file]